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Australia's Grey Nurse Sharks - a plight for survival
by Tim Hochgrebe added 2011-06-16
Most divers in Australia will know that the Grey Nurse Shark population is under threat of extinction within our life time....
Paul McCartney Recruits Surf Filmmaker Jack McCoy For 'Blue Sway'
by Tim Hochgrebe added 2011-06-15
A new angle on underwater videography has been realised by Jack McCoy who filmed stunning sequences of surfer from inside the waves, tracking them with the German made ultra fast sea scooter called the SEABOB.
What is our Coral Sea?
by Tim Hochgrebe added 2011-06-07
The Coral Sea is a tropical marine jewel, which lies east of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. It is one of the last places on Earth where large marine animals can still be found in great numbers.
Celebrating Small Victories at Misool Eco Resort
by marit miners added 2011-05-19
It is with great pride that we announce the first official sanctions in our No Take Zone. Last week our Rangers encountered two fishing boats laying gill nets about 30 minutes north of the resort. The illegal fishermen were intercepted on a routine patrol of our 1220 sq km No-Take Zone.
Shark Finning - a Global Overview
by SeannaC added 2011-03-31
It’s been nearly five years since Rob Stewart showed the scale and severity of the illegal shark finning trade to the world in Shark Water, and demand for shark fin products had been on the increase years before that. But what’s the state of shark finning, shark populations and the action against shark finning right now?
No Barriers at Great Barrier
by nickT added 2011-03-14
As I am sure, you are probably aware Queensland started off February with a Category 5 tropical Cyclone a mere week after the floods in Brisbane. They called it the storm of the century with good reason....
Shark Attacks in Perspective
by Wandy Hochgrebe added 2011-02-14
My sister and I were swimming in a quiet area of Jervis Bay on the east coast of Australia a few years back. Suddenly a fin cut through the water…another one appeared next to it and another and another. Moving fast, not towards us but very close. Sharks?
Cyclone Yasi and the Great Barrier Reef
by Tim Hochgrebe added 2011-02-04
After the massive impact of Cyclone Yasi, Australia stops to consider the consequences of this natural disaster on the economy, nature and life in Australia as such.
I'd love to become a diver, but ... SEVEN most common cop-outs
by Tim Hochgrebe added 2011-01-28
Most people who don't dive would have at least thought once about exploring this amazing part of the planet they have been missing so far. There are many common excuses on why people decide not to take the plunge; generally a lack of knowledge keeps people from trying. Let's debunk some of those myths and get more people SCUBA diving!
Seeing Red on Christmas Island
by SeannaC added 2011-01-14
Most of my holidays revolve around diving, or a place where I can at least snorkel, and the colour dominating my thoughts is always blue. Christmas Island’s waters are certainly that, crystal clear and a strikingly deep cobalt blue. This time around though, a colour at the other end of the spectrum filled my every waking thought in the days leading up to my trip to the isolated island in the eastern Indian Ocean. All I could think about was RED......
Cocos Keeling Islands
by SeannaC added 2011-01-05
Cocos Keeling is a widely unknown tropical island paradise but thanks its hosting of an UF11 Fringe Event it is about to be added to the holiday wish list of many of the region’s divers.The 29-island atoll may only be a four-hour flight from Perth, but it feels a world away from the hustle and bustle of the mainland....
SCUBA Diving and Asthma
by Nerissa Penfold added 2010-11-17
For as long as I can remember I wanted to SCUBA dive. I remember being fascinated by my dad’s cylinders of air with yellow flaking paint and belts of lead weights that lay around the house, and the promise of what lay beneath the surface of the sea. As luck would have it, by the time I seriously started thinking about diving I had been diagnosed with adult asthma.
Whyalla - Cuttlefish Mating Mecca and More
by SeannaC added 2010-11-10
A four-hour drive west of Adelaide, Whyalla is a seaside mining town is known as the place “where the outback meets the sea”. To divers, Whyalla is known as Australia’s Cuttlefish Mecca. Each winter thousands of Australian Giant Cuttlefish (Sepia apama) gather in the shallow waters around Whyalla to mate.
Return to Tioman Island - Some Insights into Coral Bleaching
by Tim Hochgrebe added 2010-10-27
It has been a few years since my last visit to Tioman Island and after listening to many tales of extensive coral bleaching I was curious to see with my own eyes how bad this really was.
Shark Attacks - 7 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
by Wandy Hochgrebe added 2010-10-25
When do the sharks come out to play? What do I do if I see a shark while I’m swimming? And more questions relating to shark encounters answered in this FAQ.
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Fantasea AOI UWL-09 Pro - Super Wide Angle PRO Glass Wet LensFantasea AOI UWL-09 Pro - Super Wide Angle PRO Glass Wet Lens
Price A$ 1,649.00
Kraken Remote Control RC02Kraken Remote Control RC02
Price A$ 379.00
SeaLife Sea Dragon Duo 6000 Color Boost SetSeaLife Sea Dragon Duo 6000 Color Boost Set
Price A$ 1,749.00
Fotocore M15 Photo Video Light - 15,000 lumensFotocore M15 Photo Video Light - 15,000 lumens
Price A$ 1,399.00
SeaLife Micro 3.0 Underwater Camera 64GB - Limited Edition Explorer Gift Set includes 2000F Sea Dragon light for FREESeaLife Micro 3.0 Underwater Camera 64GB - Limited Edition Explorer Gift Set includes 2000F Sea Dragon light for FREE
Price A$ 949.00
QYSEA Fifish V-EVO - Underwater Drone Kit 4K - 60fps - optional grabber armQYSEA Fifish V-EVO - Underwater Drone Kit 4K - 60fps - optional grabber arm
Price A$ 2,899.00
Inon UFL-G140 SD Underwater Semi-fisheye Conversion LensInon UFL-G140 SD Underwater Semi-fisheye Conversion Lens
Price A$ 649.00
SeaLife 0.75x Wide Angle Conversion LensSeaLife 0.75x Wide Angle Conversion Lens
Price A$ 299.00

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