Diving the Coral Sea

Diving the Coral Sea

Diving the Coral Sea

This photo of the silhouette of a diver behind gorgeous Gorgonian Fan was taken at Flinders Reef, Far North Queensland, Australia using a Nikonas 5 with a SB105 strobe and Ectachrome 100 slide film.
Photocomp June '11- Open


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Desert Isles of the Coral SeaDesert Isles of the Coral Sea
It was one of those places where the forces which govern life seem to come to a focus of preternatural beauty and intensity. I stood in a small grassy field. It was bounded by a dazzling band of coral sand. Crystalline aquamarine shallows grading into turquoise surrounded the islet. Farther out, a broad shallow reef flat fashioned a skirt of many colors terminating in a hemline of sparkling white breakers. Beyond, an endless sea of indigo blue velvet spread out to the horizon. Life was everywhere.
Underwater Card 2