Pretty in pink

Pretty in pink

Pretty in pink

These tiny tropical shrimps (Periclemenes soror) are found along the NSW coast in summer on the underside of seastars, always changing their colors to suit the coloring of their hosts. Pinkish/purple stars have shrimps as per picture, red seastars have red shrimps etc. Equipment: Nikonos III, 35mm lens with 2:1 (double life-size magnification - not 1:2) extension tube, single flash. Photocomp January '05 - Open


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Seahorses - Ethereal BeautySeahorses - Ethereal Beauty
My ultimate diving dream is to meet orcas underwater. While I am waiting for this divine meeting with sea giants, I am fascinated with tiny graceful creatures called Hippocampus. Their name derives from Greek for seahorse and literally translates as horse sea monster.
Underwater Card 2