Eastern Frogfish

Eastern Frogfish

Eastern Frogfish

Taken with Canon PowerShot A80 at Kurnell, NSW on the 26th Jan 2005. Yes, it's the same frog fish but I love it. These guys are so ugly that they're cute. As usual Kurnell supplies me with something new to me. Photocomp January '05 - Open


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Introductory Rust Diving on the Wreck of the MalabarIntroductory Rust Diving on the Wreck of the Malabar
Around 7:00am on Thursday, April 2, 1931, a dense fog suddenly rolled into Long Bay, obscuring the northern headland. On the bridge of MV Malabar, en-route from Melbourne to Sydney, Captain George Leslie recognised the danger and ordered 5 degrees rudder to steer the ship seaward to pass further offshore than his original plan of half a mile.
Underwater Card 2