The Arch

The Arch

The Arch

Any members of the Air Base Butterworth Sub Aqua Club (ABBSAC) would well remember this scene. It's taken taken looking through 'The Arch' at Coral Gardens, Pulau Paya, Malaysia. I'd love to hear from any ex-members still diving out there. Nikon F3, 20mm lens, Marine Sunpak flash, home-made housing, Fuji 100 ASA slide film.
Photocomp May '06 - Open


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Tioman Mega Dive - too much fun in the sunTioman Mega Dive - too much fun in the sun
I was part of a number of international press who were invited to attend this new anual dive event on Tioman Island - which for those who don't know is located in the South-East of mainland Malaysia. A 4 day festival which promised lots of activities, diving and other fun in the sun.
Underwater Card 2