Paper Nautilus

Paper Nautilus

Paper Nautilus

The photo was taken near Ricketts Point in Port Phillip Bay, Australia. A few of the Calcarious shells had been turning up and and I always wondered if it was possible to find a real live Paper Nautilus. So i decided to get in the water and try my luck knowing that is was 1000/1 chance. the water was about 12 degrees so I was almost ready to give up when through the water I could see a weird object suspended in mid water. So I swam up and nearly breathed in a litre of water when I realised it was actually A Paper Nautilus. Most weird but amazing animal I have ever seen. I knew I had to get a photo because no one would believe me and here it is! Canon Ixus.
Photocomp September '09 - Open


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So you thought the Ocean had marvellous creatures to see!So you thought the Ocean had marvellous creatures to see!
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