King Island

Currie Harbour

King Island is located off the north-west tip of Tasmania, and mirrors the diversity found in Tasmania as a whole. The north and east coasts of the island feature wonderful sandy beaches, while the jagged cliffs to the south make it easy to see why this area has claimed more shipwrecks than anywhere else in Australia.

King Island is known nationally and internationally for its fine produce: cream, specialty cheeses, beef and rock lobster. Kelp is harvested from the shore and dried; it is then exported for use in products ranging from ice cream to cosmetics. Both the dairy and kelp factories are in the vicinity of King Island's largest town, Currie.

Text and photos courtesy of Tourism Tasmania

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Underwater Recommendations

There are several dive sites accessible from King Island. Plenty of Rock lobsters inhabit the rocky reefs that are located all around the island. On the West coast the remains of four wrecks, which sank in the mid to late nineteen hundreds, can be found. Plentiful of Rock lobsters inhabit. Although the conditions can be a bit more challenging at times it is still more than enjoyable to explore King Islands waters.

Getting There

Daily flights to King Island operate from Wynyard, Launceston and Melbourne.

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