So close. Very cool

This is a discussion thread for the image "So close. Very cool"

Contributed by Peter added 2005-04-04

Replies of 1

katherineN added 2007-01-28

This is a fantastic photo!

Hi, my name is Katherine Negrin and I am the Community Campaigner for The Wilderness Society Newcastle.

I'm wondering if you could give me a call or email, I'm wondering if there's a possibility of using your image on a promotional poster for our new 'Save Our Sealife!' Marine Campaign in NSW.

Could you give me a call at (02) 4929 4395 or email

If you would like more information about The Wilderness Society feel free to visit our website at

Look forward to talking to you soon! Peace, Katherine.

The Wilderness Society ~ Protecting, promoting and restoring Wilderness and natural processes across Australia for the survival and ongoing evolution of life on Earth.

The Wilderness Society ~ Protecting, promoting and restoring Wilderness and natural processes across Australia for the survival and ongoing evolution of life on Earth.

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