Underwater video camera

Hi everone.

I am thinking to moving from underwater photography to videography.
As a first step (and because of the lack of available funds) I plan to buy the digital videocamera now and later invest into a UW housing. I am currently considering the Sony TRV series (e.g. TRV33) and the Canon MV600 series. Does anyone have any opinion/ information/ experience about these camera and suitable housings? Or does anyone know if the big camera manufactures (Sony, Canon, Olympus etc.) plan to release their own UW housing for videocameras? I have a Canon housing for my still-camera and are very happy with it.



Contributed by Torsten added 2003-09-03

Replies of 7

Steve added 2003-09-05
Sony cameras have the greatest range of housings available on the market
But on the other hand I have hear that canon are thinking of releasing a range of underwater housings for video cameras in the future

Video housings are very expensive (for what they are)$2000.00 plus and as you know canon, olympus, etc still housings are about $300.00 I can't see why there is such a huge price difference

If you ask arround you my find some one who can make you a housing for a reasonable price
(I made my own for about $500.00) If you want to see a pic e-mail me handstek at hotmail.com

Hope I have helped a little

regards steve

Ecomaniac added 2003-10-02
Hi Torsten,
The Sony TRV series are great mini DV cameras, I would suggest buying either Sony or Canon. The rest are just not up to scratch. I bought a Sony TRV 16 last year, and have had amazing results. Housings are expensive, like you I did not have the funds to purchase a good quality one so decided to make my own. I built the housing from every day items from Bunning?s (yes Bunning?s) my housing is fully functional it also includes a 2.5 inch display to view my subjects. Total cost to build under $500. The housing has been down to 35m is small and light. If you require any assistance I?ll be glad to share my knowledge I can send pics if you wish. I am currently putting together footage for a documentary series. You can email me at dtrainer68@yahoo.com.au (or anyone else interested in building their own housing)