Giant Cuttlefish

This is a discussion thread for the image "Giant Cuttlefish"

Contributed by Trurina Cook added 2007-01-21

Replies of 2

Brendan added 2007-01-22

Hi Trurina, Really like the photo of the cuttle fish,I have been trying to get a good shot for some time. How do you find your inon strobe ? I haven't got a strobe and just wondering how yours is as I think it is time for me to get one. Cheers Brendan.

Trurina Cook added 2007-03-01

Hey Brendan..

I tried to contact not know if it went through! Get the Inon...I got mine through Sea Optics...lovely crowd And ever so !

I am still playing with mine after a couple of seasons...hell, it's a lifelong hobby!

Good luck!


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