Dolphin massacre in Japan

This film is very hard to watch and will make everyone that loves the ocean cringe, weep and cry. It feels impossible to comprehend how the slaughter of these beautiful aquatic mammals can continue in our day and age.

Please watch the film

and sign the petition

We can only hope this will make a difference.

Contributed by Tim Hochgrebe added 2007-03-09

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It is one of the few places left in the world where a diver can see macro critters, pelagics, and big stuff, as well as fantastic soft and hard corals. The often misused and abused adjective “pristine” is actually appropriate here, due to low fishing pressure in the area in comparison to other areas of the Coral Triangle, no dynamite fishing, and thanks to a system implemented by dive resorts whereby local reef "owners" receiving a small fee for every diver that visits "their" reef. As a result elders make sure that the reefs are not fished.
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