Pregnant turtle found with limbs hacked off

Now who on this planet would do something like this ... I am by this report and I hope the person who did this will be caught and severely punished.

In the Australian newspaper:

THE DISCOVERY of the dismembered corpse of a large nesting sea turtle has sent shock waves through a small coastal community.

The dead Flatback Turtle, which weighed more than 80kg, was found on a beach in Port Hedland, in Western Australia’s North West, on Friday.

Its front flippers were believed to have been hacked off and its neck was partially severed either during or after its murder.

It was also carrying eggs, leading experts to believe it was about to nest when it was attacked.

Local volunteers from the Care for Hedland Environmental Association (CHEA) came across the female’s corpse near nesting area for turtles.

The association said that there had already been 200 nests recorded nearby during this breeding season.

“We’ve never had one (turtle) butchered before,” CHEA chairperson Kelly Howlett said.

“There was plenty of blood, plenty of entrails (and) beverage bottles (around the corpse).”

Port Hedland’s mayor Stan Martin said that council rangers were horrified when they saw the turtle.

“The town rangers examined the turtle and were appalled to discover it lying on its back, with its front flippers missing and severe wounds to its throat,” Mr Martin said.

“This mindless behaviour is not acceptable. If we are to ensure the survival of sea turtles well into the future, action needs to be taken now to protect them at nesting sites and find the people responsible for this malicious act.”

Ms Howlett said that it was “really devastating to see what people are capable of doing to such a harmless creature”.

“Volunteers have been closely monitoring turtles for the past four nesting seasons and have never seen something so horrible done to a turtle,” Ms Howlett said.

“It was a shock to all of us… this type of behaviour is not to be endorsed.”

Police and the WA Department for Environment and Conservation are investigating the death.

More at,25197,22803230-12377,00.html

Contributed by Tim Hochgrebe added 2007-11-24

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