Juvenile Orbicular Batfish

This is a discussion thread for the image "Juvenile Orbicular Batfish"

Contributed by LINDAJ added 2008-02-12

Replies of 3

J_deGuzman added 2008-02-14

I think this photo will this month. It trumps all the other photos posted, including mine.

J_deGuzman added 2008-02-14

I think this photo will win this month. It trumps all the other photos posted, including mine.

J_deGuzman added 2008-02-19


Replies of 3

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Saltwater dripped down the inside of my mask, forming a comfortable puddle just below my nose. Beyond the puddle, the blue water of the Gneerings disappeared, with the only other activity visible being my buddy's bubbles rising around me. I took a deep, cool breath.
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