WIN a copy of the SHARKWATER book - signed by Rob Stewart

If you haven't signed up to our monthly underwater eNews - join underwater australasia in February as we are giving away a SHARKWATER book signed by the master Rob Steward himself !!!

Make sure you tick the underwater eNews tick.

Contributed by Tim Hochgrebe added 2009-02-10

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ColinR added 2009-02-19

Respect the deep respect the dark, Respect the sea respect the shark, Respect you elders and leaders to, Respect yourself as others do,

Every time into the deep you go. Everywhere will salt water flow. Every depth form the shallow to the deep Every day and night though you might sleep.

So much has been said about the shark. So feared is he and the warnings stark. So many media spread the fear, So many people stop and hear.

People who have not never seen. People who have the bad dream. People who in ignorance and spite. People who think they have the right.

Engage with me a simple view Enquire with me my point of view. Endure the prescence of the shark. Enjoy the beauty but heed the hark.

Can you go out where the seals are thick, Can you swim with the penguins and the chick. Can you go where the shark waits to pray, Could you jeopardise your life that way.

Today the shark needs our respect, To preserve this fish we should elect. Together we watch and learn and stay, Though make sure your far enough away.

Colin Read

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