Not sure if the diving community is onto this, but the fishos are, and you should be.
If you like diving in Victoria anywhere that is not in enclosed waters from a boat, your access may be taken away from you.
The Department of Transport is reviewing marine safety. Great right! Not really. Some of the recommendations being considered are restricting all boats under 4.8 metres to enclosed waters. Boats 4.9 metres to 8 metres may travel up to 20 nm off shore.Boats 8 metres and over unlimited.$UNIDS+for+Web+Display/ACE877B5FAC89A47CA2575E4007EB087/$FILE/MSV_Discussion_paper-RecVessel.pdf
How will this affect you?
Have your say by emailing below.
You know how these things work. First Vic, then NSW, ....
Don't complain later folks. Now's the time.
Contributed by DamienP added 2009-07-28