Grey Nurse Shark saved from plastic death

Just before Christmas the crew from South West Rocks Dive Centre saved a Grey Nurse Shark in a quite amazing rescue mission.

from the article:

'Divers had reported the day before seeing a large grey nurse shark with what appeared to be a metal collar around its head and cutting into the shark’s gills.

This had concerned the dive team greatly, as they have seen sharks wasting away when they are inflicted with fishing hooks protruding from their gills or through the effects of swallowing hooks.

The shark was there again on our first dive and Peter Hitchins the dive master was prepared to do something about it.

He had fashioned something like a super-large landing net with a loop attached to the rim to fit over the shark’s head, so the loop of rope could be tightened to secure the shark by the middle.

The loop this time slipped to the tail but it was under control.

The crew drew the shark to the surface with constant pressure and its tail was dragged over the stern.'

Well done Peter Hitchins and all involved. Have a read at the full story in the local paper

Contributed by Tim Hochgrebe added 2010-01-02

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